Chris Bell
Lead Pastor

Executive Pastor, Spiritual Formation

Executive Pastor, Ministry Development

Our elder body is made up of a small number of men, including our lead pastor and designated laymen, who oversee the spiritual health and direction of the church.
1. Elders are to be plural in number and blameless in conduct (Titus 1:5-6).
2. Elders are described in Scripture as those who:
Our trustees are a body of laypeople (men and women) selected to oversee financial and legal matters of the church.
Trustees are selected by the elders.
Trustees must be three to seven in number.
Along with the Lead Pastor, Executive Pastor of Operations, and Elders, the Trustees oversee the finances of the church.
Trustees handle all salary matters for paid employees of the church.
Trustees are empowered to sign all financial and legal documents for the church.