Missions Blog
Meet the Mathews | Peru
November 15
Hello, my name is Cody Mathews. I have been married since 2009 to...
more infoUpdates from Guatemala
August 6
By: Mary Purvis | We are so excited to be able to share an...
more infoMissions During a Pandemic
May 5, 2020
By: Mandy Sullivan | Serving in Georgia This pandemic has taught...
more infoHonduras Missions | COVID-19 Updates
April 29
By: Nicole McMorris, serving in Honduras I had only been in...
more infoGuatemala Landing Zone | COVID-19
April 22
By: Mary Purvis, serving in Guatemala The entire world...
more infoFoster Care Journey (Part 2)
April 6
By: Yuriy and Madison Perekotiy One night I had to tell a...
more infoFoster Care Journey
April 3
By: Yuriy and Madison Perekotiy Our foster care journey began...
more infoFoster Care | The Forgotten Initiative
By: The Martin Family The Martin Family has been personally...
more infoObservations and Reflections: Cuba Mission Trip
Observations and Reflections: Cuba Mission Trip by David...
As you read this blog, another team from 3Circle Church will be...
more infoLocal Missions Highlight: Prodisee Pantry
What is Prodisee Pantry? Prodisee Pantry is a faith-based...
more infoColombia Interview: Pastor Nick Williams
Interview with North Campus Pastor, Nick Williams Where did...
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