Alex Bejarano
Serving in Tamarindo, Costa Rica
Alex is one of the pastors of Iglesia Casa Vida Tamarindo.
As part of the founding leadership of Casa Vida, Alex knew from the moment the Lord called him that he had a deep desire to serve Jesus for the rest of his life. As God drew him closer to his calling it wasn’t until the founding pastor of Casa Vida, Pano Rojas, went to seminary that Alex was commissioned to become the lead pastor of the local church. At a critical time in the church Alex took on the task of restructuring different areas that needed attention such as a deeper sense of community, a more effective approach to discipleship and local missions. In doing so Casa Vida Tamarindo is now in a stage of walking faithfully to become the church displayed by the apostle Paul in Ephesians 4:1-16.
Casa Vida Tamarindo has new found needs with it’s new vision such as the local Children’s Feeding Center and the growing Mercy Home ministry building homes for the poor but also the task of raising mature disciples through sound teaching and discipleship. Please pray for Casa Vida Tamarindo that the Lord may lead them through the Holy Spirit to grow faithfully in the marks of a healthy church for the glory of God. Alex is married to his loving wife Lynn and they both have two beautiful daughters, Ariana and Kaila.