Serving in Cusco, Peru
Our ministry in Peru can be summed up by what Paul commanded Timothy to do in 2 Timothy “What you have learned from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others” (2:2) and “do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry” (4:5). Our mission in Peru is twofold: Training and equipping church leaders and taking the gospel to the isolated and unreached regions of Peru. Cody is serving at the Seminario Biblico Cusco, Los Chaskis del Evangelio. I work alongside other brothers to train future professors, pastors, missionaries and church leaders while also writing theological curriculum for the seminary.
Peru is filled with isolated villages with little or no access to the gospel, and there are churches throughout these regions where there is much need for equipping the saints and theological training for the pastors and future leaders. Many of the people we train live in the outskirts of the Andes mountains and because of their remote location they have little access to theological resources and training. Our goal is to train and equip local leaders so that their local churches will be healthy and their people are equipped to spread the gospel in other regions where Christ has not been named. There are still hundreds of isolated regions in Peru where there is still no gospel witness. We will be dedicated to bringing the gospel to these people both by our gospel proclamation and through sending those we have trained.