Serving in Tamarindo, Costa Rica
Juan Diego Rojas, also known as “Pano” is the director of Casa Vida Plantationin Tamarindo, Costa Rica and the pastor of Casa Vida Church Tamarindo.
Pano’s vision is to develop and train leaders to plant churches. The strategy he has, is, besides the local church were he regularly teaches, he wants to develop a Biblical Institute in Tamarindo. Actually the institute has already three courses going on, but the desire is to offer more training. Pano’s heart is to reach the lost of his country and beyond, by planting churches that are culturally relevant but Biblically strong and Theologically sound. Pano has a heart to teach and to preach. Besides being the lead pastor in Casa Vida Tamarindo Church, he leads Casa Vida Plantation which aims to plant churches in costal communities of Costa Rica. Plantation has planted three churches so far and is working in the plantation of one more.
Pano has a heart for the gospel and to see people being transformed by the preaching of it and by the power of the Holy Spirit. He has dedicated the last 12 years to the ministry, to the preaching and to the investment in new leaders. He went to Southern Baptist Theological Seminary to get his Master’s of Divinity, but he wants to continue his studies pursuing a Ph.D in the area of Historical Theology. Pano believes there is a lack of Biblical Scholars and good Biblical Teachers in Costa Rica. He has written two books, and several articles which have been published in international platforms. One of his desires is to keep contributing in this area to the Latin American Church and to the mission.